3GRDGÖU for gravity-fed collector basket operation

Main application

For vertical operation with high mechanical stress, suitable to be collected in gravity-fed collector basket


Conductor:  Tinned copper conductor, flexible cl. 5 IEC 60228
Specially designed for mobile application
   Insulation: EPR compound better than 3GI3
Specially developed compound with improved mechanical characteristics
 Cores identification: 
Black with printed numbers +1 green/yellow
Each cores consecutively numberedr
Bundle: Six cores layed-up with suitable tape(s)
Central strainer: Made of aramidic yarns
To be used as support element with a minimum tensile strength of 10 kN

Laying-up: Short lay length for better flexibility
≤ 8 times the laying-up bundle diameter

Separation (if any): Tape(s)
Outer sheath: Special CSP compound
High density specially developed compound UV resistant, lubricants resistant

Marking: PALAZZO - BASKETHEAVYFLEX 300/500 V n. of bundles x cross section